Many services available
If you are looking for a hotel in Bellaria for families, here you are in the right place! At the Hotel Bridge you will find many services for children and parents, from the in-room amenities, to the flexible meal times until the animation on the beach. You will not have to worry about anything, just enjoy peace of the holiday.
Room facilities
Children can find, in their rooms, many amenities and services designed to spend your moments of rest in total security such as cribs, beds or cots anti fall. For bath time, instead, we provide comfortable trays colored. Also, for those who request it, there is the possibility of staying in adjoining rooms to enjoy more space and freedom.
All ready for the jelly
At the restaurant of the Hotel Bridge, for our younger guests, we provide cutlery little sharp, colorful dishes, bibs, and comfortable high chairs. The families, in addition, may require custom menus, preparation of food and broth, baby bottle warmer, and the opportunity to have flexible hours and a kitchen at their disposal to feed their children need.
The beach fit for children
Our private beach, the Bathroom 37 Silvana, is ideal for the fun and safety of the child on holiday. Thanks to the shallow seabed, the fine sand, the presence of lifeguards and sea safety, the playground area and the entertainment staff always present during the day, parents can rest assured and enjoy the full hour of sunbathing while your children are having fun and making new friends.